Standard III. Information and Knowledge

Candidates model and promote ethical, equitable access to and use of physical, digital, and virtual collections of resources. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of a variety of information sources and services that support the needs of the diverse learning community. Candidates demonstrate the use of a variety of research strategies to generate knowledge to improve practice.

AASL Standards 2010

Fair Use Information

Here is an excellent resource for fair use information:

Here is a fair use checklist:

I actually follow this blog by Jane Friedman. It is a great resource for writers and here is a post I found about fair use.

Digital Citizenship

Here is a great video series by Common Sense Education on Digital Citizenship:

I am now serving on the Digital Citizenship Committee at Otto Middle School. This is our 2nd year for this committee. Last year we developed several lessons to teach digital citizenship to be taught to all 1,100 students during Bobcat class. This year we are developing a second year of instruction that builds on last year’s curriculum, which is now being taught to our 6th-grade students. By the end of next year, we should have a year of curriculum for each grade level.

I chose Digital Citizenship as my elective and categorized each of my posts for that class as DigCit. I created an extra tab at the top for easy access to those resources.


I went to ETSI Plano this week (8/31/17) and learned about this PISD CLICK website created by Nancy Watson who used this as a Google Innovator Project:  It has a ton of technology-centered instructional videos created by students and teachers.  The topics range from Google Docs, graphics and file management, to Digital Footprints.

Click on Category (on sidebar)
to see blog posts pertaining to this topic.